Bending Workshops a Success

Author and veteran forming instructor Steve Benson headlined two Wisconsin bending workshops sponsored by Northland Laser.  The first session was held in a Lambeau conference room with a panoramic view of the field from the North end zone.  An identical two day seminar was held later in the week at a Milwaukee hotel.

Steve is well known in the industry for his frequent contributions to trade magazines and for similar workshops available through the FMA.  He offers a variety of information and instructional products through his web site The Art of Press Brake”.

Attendees said it was a worthwhile event.  “I kept waiting for the sales pitch, and it never came” was a comment from one manager who wished he had brought along more from his shop.  Northland hopes to sponsor a similar program in 2016.

IMG_0213     Lambeau under the (grow) lights, photo taken during a break.



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